Sample 2 in english


Purchases during the previous academic year included the following older or rare items: a rare edition (1601) of the French translation of the Dialogues of Vives, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Esprit, maximes, et principes (1764), Lamartine’s Œuvres (1828), a single folded sheet containing four poems from Victor Hugo’s Châtiments (1853) printed for postal distribution to friends in France and as a means of avoiding the censor there, first editions of Verlaine’s Amour (1888) and Bonheur (1891), Maurice Blanchot’s Comment la littérature est-elle possible? (1942), Robert Brasillach’s Poèmes de Fresnes (1945), and autographed copies of works by Régnier, Jouve, Chamson and Cassou.

ULB - entreprise écodynamique