

Tracking cellulaire in vitro

Force feedback device in tele-operation for medical applications

Endoges: gastric electrical stimulator designed to be implanted by endoscopy

The projects, thesis and internships

The projects take place in MA block 1 and are oriented in one of the main areas of the biomedical engineering program. It is either a computer-aided design project related to biomechanics or biomedical instrumentation or a biomedical imaging project. Alternatively, students may also have access to a biomedical project in “cooperation to the development” or a "Team Leader (Chef d’equipe)" project.

Examples of MA1 block 1 projects

Biomechanics and Biomedical instrumentation

  • Design of a haptic interface with two degrees of freedom for a pulmonary tumor palpation device

  • Design of an artificial heart for the validation of the SPET method for the functional study of the heart

  • Design of a palpation instrument for minimally invasive thoracic surgery

  • Design of an instrumentation system for the study of the mechanical stresses of the tibial shaft for the prevention of osteoporosis in astronauts

Tracking cellulaire in vitro

Biomedical Imaging

  • Model based neuron detection in fluorescence imaging

  • Integration of a 3D navigation system with an image source acquired by CT-scan

  • Measurement of morphological parameters of neurons from images obtained by confocal microscopy

  • Quantification of protein expression in cells subjected to an immunofluorescence method

In MA block 2, the student must prepare a dissertation, the subject of which must be determined in the course of the MA block 1. A list of subjects is published each year during the month of March and Is structured around the research themes of the various departments of the faculty involved in biomedical research (described below).

Examples of thesis dissertation subjects

Force feedback device in tele-operation for medical applications


  • Analysis of the foot-grass interaction in football players during jump

  • Design of an external articulated mini-fixator for the fingers of the hand

  • Design of a remote-controlled slave robot adapted to laparoscopy

  • Design and realization of a motorized system for digestive endoscopy tools (plug & play) for the technological platform Endomina

  • Study of optimal needle force and profile to pierce a sphincter of the stomach (esophagus sphincter, pylorus)

  • Realization of robotic palpation for minimally invasive surgery

Endoges: gastric electrical stimulator designed to be implanted by endoscopy

Biomedical Instrumentation

  • Screening for autonomic neuropathy from the variability in the cardiac rhythm

  • Development of a bio-impedance measurement system

  • Development of a brain-machine interface for tetraplegic patients

  • Analysis, development and implementation of a powering system for a wireless network of medical sensors

  • Realization of a system for acquiring and processing data for paraplegic patients

Biomedical Imaging

  • Colocalization of immunohistochemical markers using digital images analysis

  • Development of a multimedia medical information server for the surgical theatre

  • Spectral measurements and calculations of RX around radiotherapy facilities

  • Automatic neuron segmentation acquired by confocal microscopy

  • Automatic neuron segmentation acquired by confocal microscopy

In MA block 2, students have the opportunity to pursue a professional immersion course of at least 12 weeks. This internship enables the student to actively confront with the professional world and to acquire a first experience in realistic situation. The internship takes place in a company or in a hospital in Belgium or abroad. It can also take place in a university research group, but only abroad.

Examples of internship places

In a Company : Baxter, Biocartis, Cardiatis, Cardio3, Centexbel, Cochlear, Endo Tools Therapeutics, Euranova, IBA, IMEC, Inoue, Johnson & Johnson Medical, Materlialise, Medisoft, MedPole, Mobelife, Siemens, Synergia Medical, Volcano, 3Win…

In Hospital

  • Erasme Hospital (Dept. of Pathological Anatomy, Dept. of Radiology and Medical Imaging, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Gamma Knife Center, Thoracic Surgery Dept., PET Scan Cyclotron Unit, Orthopedic Traumatology Dept., Sleep Laboratory)

  • Brugmann Hospital (Laboratory of Sensory and Cognitive Neurophysiology)

  • Jules Bordet Institute (Dept of Nuclear Medicine)

Abroad (in company, hospitals or university research groups)

  • Withings (Paris, France)

  • Alfred Hospital (Melbourne, Australia) - Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc)

  • University College London (London, UK) - Implanted Devices Group (Dept of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering)

ULB - entreprise écodynamique