


Teaching courses provided by the biomedical program

Starting from the Master level, the training of the biomedical engineer is oriented in one of the following main paths :

  • 1. Biomechanics

  • 2. Biomedical Instrumentation

  • 3. Biomedical Imaging

The Biomechanics branch is focused on the aspect related to the development, design, selection of the material and the manufacturing of medical devices as prosthesis, surgical and microsurgical instruments and implantable devices, together with the mechanical analysis of biological systems as the musculoskeletal system with and without prosthesis.

The Biomedical Instrumentation branch is focused on the development of sensors and stimulators, mainly using digital and analogical electronic and microelectronics, for the development of medical devices, implantable or not.

The Biomedical Imaging » branch focuses on aspects related to the acquisition, processing, validation and interpretation of biomedical data. Several modern imaging systems are studied and the images produced are used and analyzed in different fields, such as diagnostic aid, surgical planning and surgical navigation.

While the first part of the MA program (MA block 1) provides the basic subjects for these different branches, during the second part of the curriculum (MA block 2), the student will be able to choose a set of courses more closely related to one of the main three areas of specialization. The student will also have the possibility, if interested, to orientate himself towards the subjects necessary for his training in medical radiophysics expert. This will allow the student to understand the aspects related to the use of ionizing radiations, as in radiotherapy, scanner, etc... and their impact on the living tissues.

Program Content

BA block 3

In addition to the common branch, 30 ECTS are specific to the biomedical program. This courses are designed to acquire basic knowledge in biomedical sciences (as biology, physiology, biochemistry and anatomy) together with the essential engineering sciences (instrumentation, computer and complement of automation), which form the basis for the following MA courses.

MA block 1

The courses are organized in two modules: "Biomedical Science" (25 ECTS) and "Engineering Science" (30 ECTS), covering the bases of the three main fields of the program (biomechanics, biomedical instrumentation and imaging), to guide the courses according to the student affinities.

This program is coupled by a biomedical engineering project (5 ECTS). Alternatively, students will have access to two other types of project: a biomedical project in “cooperation to the development” (see for more information on these projects) or the project "Team Leader (Chef d’equipe)” where they will have to supervise a group of students as part of their BA block 1 project.

MA block 2

In the final year, the program includes the thesis dissertation which accounts for 20 ECTS and three modules, each one dedicated to one of the three main fields (biomechanics, biomedical instrumentation or imaging). By choosing a minimum of 20 ECTS in two of the three modules, each student will be able to specialize according to his preference. A further alternative will allow him to specialize in medical radiophysics and to access the additional training to become expert in medical radiophysics.

The student can then complete his choice performing a 10 ECTS internship in a company or in a hospital, in Belgium or abroad, in a module of complementary courses and in a free module, to get a total of at least 60 ECTS.

ULB - entreprise écodynamique