
Genetic and paleoecological signatures of African rainforest dynamics:

Pre-adapted to change?



  • To come...

Oral presentations

  • Hardy O.J., Born C., Budde K., Daïnou K., Dauby G., Duminil J., Ewédjé E.E.B.K., Gomez C., Heuertz M., Koffi G.K., Lowe A.J., Micheneau C., Ndiade-Bourobou N., Pineiro R., Poncet V. - Comparative phylogeography of African rainforest trees: a review of genetic signatures of vegetation history in the Guineo-Congolian region. 1st International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, Kisangani (RDC), 8 June 2014.

Poster presentations

  • Hardy O.J., Verschuren D., Beeckman H., François L., Hambuckers A., Fettweis X., Lézine A.-M., Turcq B., Colombaroli D. – AFRIFORD, a new project integrating plant genetics, paleoecology and vegetation modelling to understand African forest dynamics. 1st International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin, Kisangani (RDC), 8 June 2014.